Switching to public cloud services is now a necessary strategy for most organizations’ long-term growth plans. But how do they adapt and expand their cybersecurity capabilities to protect their assets, data and customers within their cloud environment?

Here are five simple ways organizations can https://www.crowdstrike.com/resources/white-papers/how-to-find-and-eliminate-blind-spots-in-the-cloud/?utm_campaign=blog&utm_medium=syn&utm_source=cont by continually searching for and removing unnecessary attack surfaces in the cloud. Segmentation is a security technique that divides your cloud environment into https://thenewstack.io/zero-trust-vs-microsegmentation-establish-a-winning-strategy/ to maintain separate access to every part of the network.

Every reputable cloud service provider (CSP) — the business or entity that owns and operates the cloud — offers basic security, including https://www.crowdstrike.com/cybersecurity-101/cloud-security/cloud-encryption/?utm_campaign=blog&utm_medium=syn&utm_source=cont.

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