Over the past few months, one particularly interesting trend we have been witnessing is the vast and growing number of cloud native applications that end up running on Amazon Web Services Fargate. In terms of abstraction of the computing paradigm, Fargate sits between Lambda and EC2.
The networking of Fargate, and the fact that it is so easy to get an IP address on the public internet for every container, means that Fargate adopters need to think much more about the network design.
Although containers on Fargate also contain fundamentally an OS, the fact that it is so easy and fast to rotate out versions of containers, as opposed to spinning up and tearing down Virtual Machines, means that in case of security issues, you are faster to reach with containers than VMs.
We work with customers that tell us that their security teams have very long processes for allowing deployments on Virtual Machines, but that most of those practices (like antiviruses, to name one), are not required in containers, and that is a lot of effort spared.