When https://thenewstack.io/javascript-developers-on-what-matters-and-whats-next/ for your frontend development project, the two most suitable options will likely be Angular and React, both of which have established themselves as key players. A JavaScript framework is used by https://thenewstack.io/prepping-for-2023-whats-ahead-for-frontend-developers/ to help create functional apps with reduced coding times.

Angular is a complete framework, therefore it offers many more features than React, which is predominantly a JavaScript Library.

Meanwhile, for React the commonly used tools are: VS Code, Sublime, and Atom (code editing); Jest and Enzyme (testing); Create React Apps (project setup); and the Next.js Framework (server-side rendering).

Angular is a much more comprehensive platform, but React is very flexible thanks to its compatibility with a range of libraries, frameworks and tools.

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