We recently announced the first https://www.docker.com/blog/docker-wasm-technical-preview/, a special build that makes it possible to run Wasm containers with Docker using the WasmEdge runtime. Since October, we’ve been working with our partners to make running Wasm workloads with Docker easier and to support more runtimes. Now we are excited to announce a new Technical Preview of Docker+Wasm with the following three new runtimes: https://www.fermyon.com/spin from Fermyon https://deislabs.github.io/spiderlightning/ from Deislabs https://wasmtime.dev/ from Bytecode Alliance

The WasmEdge runtime is still present in Docker Desktop, so you can run: $ docker run --rm --runtime=io.containerd.wasmedge.v1 --platform=wasi/wasm secondstate/rust-example-hello:latest Hello WasmEdge!

In the next example, we will deploy a Wasm workload to Docker Desktop’s Kubernetes cluster using the slight runtime.

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