HashiCorp Boundary 0.6 and Boundary Desktop 1.3.0 add Linux support for Boundary Desktop, permissions enforcement improvements throughout the admin console, and Terraform provider support for managed group configuration. We are pleased to announce the release of HashiCorp Boundary 0.6 and the release of Boundary Desktop 1.3.
Boundary 0.6 includes several key features and improvements that are new since August’s Boundary 0.5 release: Boundary 0.6 includes a new release of its desktop client, Boundary Desktop 1.3, which now has initial support for Debian-based Linux distributions such as Ubuntu.
HashiCorp Boundary 0.5 and Boundary Desktop 1.2.1 include a new event logging system along with enhancements to the admin console and sessions cleanup. HashiCorp Boundary 0.4.0 and Boundary Desktop 1.2.0 includes features supporting brokering of HashiCorp Vault secrets for Boundary targets to end-users, enhanced session cleanup, and foundational features for event logging.