Category: automation, ansible

Software systems and infrastructures are getting more complex than ever, making tools such as Infrastructure-as-Code (IaC) ones almost compulsory when working with non-trivial environments. In this article, we will take a look at an interesting use-case that involves Red Hat’s Ansible Tower’s Automation Platform, defined as “an enterprise automation platform for the entire IT organization, no matter where you are in your automation journey”. This is not an introduction article on Ansible Tower; we will herebyI assume that you have experience with the following topics: - Designing Ansible Tower Workflows

The following use case arises from a tricky problem faced while using Ansible Tower Workflow in a challenging environment, which comprises: One of the main goals for our customer, in this scenario, is to keep track of the status of each single host during all Workflow executions.

The complex scenario described here paves the road to many other topics regarding Ansible Tower Workflow management, which we will describe in future posts.

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