During the last year we met with multiple edge customers, covering the automation needs for IT Linux infrastructure at scale across remote locations where there is often no IT staff on site. One of the recurrent needs for our customers with distributed devices is the ability to upgrade Linux devices faster, at scale, mostly due to regulations or security risks.

TASK [infra.osbuild.builder : Wait for compose to finish] ******************************************************** skipping: [osbuild_remote_system]

If you want to learn more about Ansible Automation Platform and edge automation, you can check out these resources: Try https://www.redhat.com/en/technologies/management/ansible/try-it free for 60 days. Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z74hp7491fc A free Self-paced labs for edge automation covering the deployment of applications in remote locations https://red.ht/3H4heqy Check out our webpage for edge automation https://www.ansible.com/use-cases/edge Automation of RHEL and applications at the Edge demo and use case: https://www.ansible.com/blog/automating-applications-and-servers-at-the-edge-with-red-hat-ansible-automation-platform

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