by In our latest in-depth DZone interview, DZone regular Gene Kim speaks on the DevOps Enterprise Summit community and his most recent book The Unicorn Project.
The simple answer is if you listen to every one of the DevOps Enterprise Summits feedback reports as I have, I've been blown away by the courageousness and bravery and innovativeness and savviness, and technical skill and leadership that came out of it.
Yeah, and this one of the other things that were kind of interesting to me it was like, even though Maxine was a developer, the way that it's written it's like you kind of feel like there's a little bit of Maxine and all of us, and almost like there's a little bit of a dip, even if we're not all developers, you kind of, it's a little bit evergreen in the way that a character that you normally wouldn't think you can relate to, you know, now you can actually relate to you mentioned like cast away a lot of us haven't been stranded on an island but through the power of story.
It's like you feel that you can relate to it and that there was a part of a developer in you that you didn't know was there.