In this blog post you will learn about a multi-environment solution that uses a cloud native CICD pipeline to build, test, and deploy a Serverless ChatOps bot that integrates with AWS Control Tower Account Factory for AWS account vending. This solution can be used and integrated with any of your favourite request portal or channel that allows to call a RESTFUL API endpoint, for you to offer AWS Account vending at scale for your enterprise. Most of the AWS Control Tower customers use the AWS Control Tower Account Factory (a Service Catalog product), and the ServiceCatalog service to vend standardized AWS Services and Products into AWS Accounts.
This will make sure that your AWS ChatBot and the account vending is scalable and fully functional before you release it to production and make it available to your end-users.
In this blog post, you have learned how to create a multi-environment CICD pipeline that builds a fully Serverless AWS account vending solution using an AI powered Amazon Lex bot integrated with AWS Control Tower Account Factory.