My introduction into lambdas for clients, non-technical people or just devs about to get into it is that simple: Think about it like a small computer used for one specific use case such as image compression or sending emails. This small computer is only running if you need it, this means if you don’t need it you don’t have anything to pay but if you need it a lot AWS takes care of the availability and scalability and you can be sure it will work even when you have traffic peaks.
Lambdas can also be called within you’re own AWS account/VPC (virtual private cloud) for example from EC2 instances with the specific IAM (identity and access management and we don’t need to go into detail about this here) role or when you upload something to your S3 bucket and the lambda should process it (for example you want to compress the uploaded image automatically via a lambda). To make your lambda public we’ve to use API Gateway which is the routing service of AWS where you can define API structures, the available methods for endpoints and what an endpoint is doing exactly e. g. calling our lambda.
Hit „deploy“ and you should see something like: This is the public url of your API gateway.