Written on October 26, 2021 by Danny Steenman. Having the right tools at your disposal can be a bit of a challenge when there are so many open-source tools out there available on the web. Therefore, I decided to share some of my favorite tools, scripts, and blogs with you in the AWS Toolbox 🧰 https://github.com/dannysteenman/aws-toolbox Here is what you'll find in the AWS Toolbox: https://towardsthecloud.com/blog/aws-toolbox-cloud-engineers#whats-in-the-aws-toolbox' https://towardsthecloud.com/blog/aws-toolbox-cloud-engineers#scripts https://towardsthecloud.com/blog/aws-toolbox-cloud-engineers#tools https://towardsthecloud.com/blog/aws-toolbox-cloud-engineers#blogroll https://towardsthecloud.com/blog/aws-toolbox-cloud-engineers#contributions
I dare to say that if you wish to query multiple AWS resources, this tool is way faster and easier to use than the default AWS CLI!
This mod can run individual configuration, compliance and security controls, or full compliance benchmarks for AWS Foundational Security Best Practices.