Over the last ten years or so, I have deployed applications to all the flavors of software and infrastruture services, from virtual machines to containers to functions. Having done that, I naively thought of bare metal servers as just a substitute for really big VMs.

Since joining the team, I’ve been hearing that https://deploy.equinix.com/, our bare metal cloud service, is a “platform for building platforms,” and now I get it.

Bare metal cloud providers make this possible by offering private network connections to other cloud platforms. https://docs.equinix.com/en-us/Content/Interconnection/Fabric/use-cases/Fabric-hybrid-MC-conn-UC.htm, for example, offers dedicated network connections from customers’ own colocated IT infrastructure — or their bare metal servers — to their cloud providers through services like https://docs.equinix.com/en-us/Content/Interconnection/Fabric/connections/Fabric-aws-direct-connect.htm, https://docs.equinix.com/en-us/Content/Interconnection/Fabric/connections/Fabric-ms-azure.htm, https://docs.equinix.com/en-us/Content/Interconnection/Fabric/connections/Fabric-connect-google.htm, https://docs.equinix.com/en-us/Content/Interconnection/Fabric/connections/Fabric-connect-ibm-cloud.htm or any other supported cloud.

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