DevOps best practices are not commonly found in the world of data. The concept of DataOps — applying principles like continuous integration, continuous deployment, version control, code review, automated end-to-end testing, automatic rollbacks and cross-team collaboration to — has slowly been gaining ground, but it has not yet become ubiquitous in data teams and their tools in the same way that DevOps has driven a complete paradigm shift in software development.

At, the startup where I serve as CEO, we are confident that data teams can benefit as much as software development teams do from applying DevOps best practices.

Making DevOps best practices an integrated part of the data lifecycle in the form of DataOps is the key to enabling data teams and the organizations they serve to unlock the full potential of their data.

Ideally, the DataOps OS gives data teams a single place to reason about and interact with their stack as a whole.

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