I’ve traditionally called it “a massive MapReduce on the year gone by,” highlighting events that seemed to foreshadow things to come, in a final closing ceremony for the year where we ponder what it all ultimately meant. But besides celebrating our successes, 2021 was also a year with some truly spectacular failures.
The year 2021 taught us ordinary outages at cloud providers could start ripples all across the internet.
https://www.linkedin.com/in/seandiggity, an apparently cynical cybersecurity lecturer at Yale Law School, even told NBC bluntly that “‘The cloud’ has never been sustainable.”
The year ended with another widespread security issue — and a scramble to address https://thenewstack.io/yet-another-log4j-security-problem-appears/ (which this week were calculated to https://therecord.media/google-more-than-35000-java-packages-impacted-by-log4j-vulnerabilities/).