In this The New Stack Makers podcast, a panel of technology executives discussed the best ways to speed up business innovation in today’s multicloud and multi-infrastructure world.
The guests were Dormain Drewitz, senior director of product marketing for VMware Tanzu; Mandy Storbakken, cloud technologist for VMware; Shawn Bass, chief technology officer for VMware’s end-user computing business; and Jo Peterson, vice president cloud and security services at Clarify360.
So, this notion of moving from imperative to declarative is also happening in the endpoint operating system world as well.” The adoption of new tools and processes to support innovation will almost inevitably involve adapting legacy infrastructure when making the shift.
And you end up in this situation where you’re building net new in the cloud, and you’re caring for legacy systems, and what you really want is a bridge between the two. And what you really crave is this visibility and the ability to manage from end to end because that’s your world.”