
C on the Move
While or bolster the workhorse systems programming language, work on the proper C++ standard continues apace with the ISO C++ committee last month completing technical work on, the latest release of the spec. According to the of programming languages, last month C++ was the fastest growing programming language — moving up nearly 6 (5.93%) percentage points over the same period the prior year. In addition, in January TIOBE awarded as the programming language as it had the biggest gain in popularity in 2022. Overall, in 2022 C++ popularity grew by 4.62 percentage points year over year leading all others.

For example: std::vector v = {0.25, 0.75}; auto sum = ranges::fold_left(v, 0, std::plus()); The release also delivers new build performance, developer productivity and code safety features for C++, Brand explained.

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