Enterprise software development has graduated from the “waterfall” framework of development and operations - and has become less linear, more complex and, in several ways, more difficult to secure.
That’s why security measures within every step of software development and supply chain must take top priority as attacks continue to be directed to the application layer — and often succeed in penetrating the network and executing malicious instructions. As most developers utilize open-source software package repositories, such as NPM (Node Package Manager) or PyPI (Python Package Index), to build and develop new applications, this software supply chain acts as a vehicle for carrying those assets into various applications used within organizations.
The actions within the internal software development lifecycle often fall short in implementing critical security policies, processes, and controls, hence many attacks may not be detected by security systems.
The security controls necessary to prevent and mitigate SDLC and supply chain cyber threats require stringent software installation and pathway tracking practices for all code and applications within your enterprise.