There are many reasons you, as a developer, might want to screenshot a webpage. For example, you may want to take regular screenshots of a website for monitoring or compliance purposes, generate images from dynamic HTML, CSS, and SVG, or create image previews of URLs for social media or your own directory of links. When you deal with webpage screenshots, it's common to think you need to use JavaScript to interact with a web page to screenshot it.
CreateReadingItemAsync(ReadingItemCreateDTO readingItem) { // Create a new model for the reading item var model = new ReadingItemModel() { Id = Guid.NewGuid(), Reminder = readingItem.Reminder, Title = readingItem.Title, Url = readingItem.Url }; // Determine where to save the screenshot var fileName = $"{model.Id}.png"; var fullFilePath = Path.Combine(_configuration["ScreenshotsFolder"], fileName); // Take the screenshot var screenshotBytes = await _screenshotService.ScreenshotUrlAsync(readingItem.Url); await File.WriteAllBytesAsync(fullFilePath, screenshotBytes); // Update our model with the file name model.ScreenshotTaken = true; // Add the model to our "database" _readingItems.Add(model); return model.Id; } public async Task
GetScreenshotAsync(Guid id) { try { var file = await _readingListService.GetReadingItemScreenshotAsync(id); if (file == null) return NotFound(); return File(file, "image/png"); } catch (Exception ex) { _logger.LogError("An error occurred while retrieving the screenshot file: {Exception}", new { Exception = ex }); return StatusCode(StatusCodes.Status500InternalServerError, "An error occurred while retrieving the screenshot file"); }} }}