Five former Googlers recently started Chainguard, a newly minted supply chain security company focusing on Zero Trust principles. Their mission is to help support DevOps teams with their monumental struggles of securing application code across the development, deployment and management cycle. Supply chain security by default is our mission and making it really easy for developers to do the right thing,” Kim Lewandowski, founder and product, for Chainguard, said during a The New Stack Makers podcast recorded live at KubeCon + CloudNativeCon in October.

Chainguard’s mission is also to help “companies to understand what they’re running in their clusters and how to secure that supply chain — the integrity piece of it — to make sure nothing is sort of tampered with as they’re pushing code and things to their production systems,” Lewandowski said.

A lack of insight into the security supply chain is something that many organizations and even software providers lack — and which Chainguard seeks to correct.

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