A year ago, https://chainguard.dev/ released https://thenewstack.io/chainguard-secure-software-supply-chain-images-arrive/. They do this by providing developers and users with continuously updated base container images with zero-known vulnerabilities. That’s all well and good, but now the well-regarded software developer security company has also upgraded how it hosts and distributes its Images to improve security.

Leveraging the company’s engineering team’s expertise in managing hyperscale registries, Chainguard has built the first https://thenewstack.io/why-developers-need-passwordless/ container registry, focusing on security, efficiency, flexibility and cost-effectiveness.

As https://www.linkedin.com/in/imjasonh/, a Chainguard software engineer, explained, “The 800-pound gorilla in the room of container image registry operators is egress fees.

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