Data breaches in the Healthcare sector are on an upward trend. The best chance for inverting this trend is for the healthcare sector to implement a cyber risk management program that can keep up with the rate at which cyber threats are being discovered and exploited in the industry’s threat landscape.

Your choice of cyber risk remediation product should include remediation workflows for the following common types of third-party security risks in healthcare: Compromised Vendor Credentials - Also known as third-party data leaks, compromised internal credentials are published on dark web forums following successful ransomware attacks and data breaches involving third-party service providers.>A healthcare security risk remediation tool that also addresses third-party risks extends the NIST Cybersecurity framework to the third-party attack surface, expanding the scope of risk management to include a critical cybersecurity program with a growing emphasis in healthcare regulations - Vendor Risk Management (VRM).

UpGuard’s cyber risk remediation features address the complete scope of third-party security risks prevalent in the healthcare sector, including legacy server operating system risks, vendor data leaks, and third-party software vulnerabilities.

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