It's often said that your network is the "backbone" of your IT infrastructure, underlying every other part of your enterprise IT. If your Cisco network infrastructure goes down or is experiencing performance issues, it's crucial that you have a real-time solution to identify and resolve the problem as soon as possible.
The reasons you need a strong, powerful network monitoring and management system in place include: Cisco network monitoring involves using monitoring and management tools to oversee your network traffic and properly configure your Cisco devices.
The FCAPS model offers a framework that outlines the most important requirements for network monitoring and management: When it comes to understanding the traffic flows in your Cisco network, not all data is created equal.
For Cisco routers, the "AAA" network security best practices are: Regardless of how you've configured your Cisco network monitoring setup, it's impossible to predict how the field of network management, monitoring, and troubleshooting will evolve in the short and long terms.