Historically speaking, the profit motive hasn’t aligned with the goals of environmental, social and governance (ESG) groups, said https://www.linkedin.com/in/jidouglas/, president and CEO of https://www.armory.io/, which makes https://thenewstack.io/a-step-by-step-guide-to-continuous-deployment-on-kubernetes/ solutions. But the profit motive is starting to align with ESG, which can increase help by improving efficiencies in energy usage, Douglas told The New Stack. Energy efficiency will become a “hot” issue for IT divisions in the near future, he predicted. “Corporations, like it or not, their goal is to satisfy shareholders — and employees are all shareholders as well — and so it’s about profit motive,” Douglas said.
That drives down overall energy consumption and their carbon footprints in a way individual companies can’t duplicate, he contended.