It just assumed that the machines were there; once you had the machines up and the software provisioned onto the machines, the Kubernetes API sprang into existence on top of those machines. And there was a long-standing discussion around ‘is the creation of the cluster a part of the API?’ or is it just assumed that someone creates a cluster and then the API comes up from that?”
Burns calls Cluster API the “API-ification of kubeadm” and compared it to an operator for clusters; it builds on kubeadm but can use any bootstrap provider and it uses infrastructure providers to support multiple environments.
The focus of Cluster API initially is on projects creating tooling and on managed Kubernetes platforms, but in the long run, it will be increasingly useful for organizations that want to build out their own Kubernetes platform, Burns suggested.
He calls Cluster API “foundational” for Tanzu and Microsoft is relying on it for its hybrid Kubernetes solutions, with Arc and Azure Stack HCI using Cluster API for managing Kubernetes cluster.