With container based development we've also transitioned from using templates to define how to deploy our tooling and applications, to operators. There are many examples of how to work with the templated versions of our applications around decision management and process automation found on Red Hat Demo Central and JBoss Demo Central.
If you click on the bottom rhdm-...-rhdmcentr it opens a pane on the right for viewing details (feel free to explore the tabs and links to learn about the start up of the decision management tooling containers and pods.
Use your password and user name (u: erics / p: redhatdm1! if you followed above instructions) to log in: Finally, you can verify the installation is fully working by clicking on the top component to open the rhdm-authoring-kieserver details pane on the right and open the route url listed at the bottom of the Resources tab: That completes our tour of installing decision management tooling from the provided operator, but if you want to explore more about using the decision management tooling you can try this free online workshop.