Copado, a provider of a DevOps platform for building applications deployed on the Salesforce cloud platform, announced today it has acquired New Context as part of an effort to expand the scope of its portfolio into the realm of DevSecOps best practices. Andrew Leigh, chief marketing officer for Copado, said the acquisition brings Copado tools and professional services expertise that will be applied to help organizations build and deploy secure, custom applications on top of the same cloud platform they already use to access a range of software-as-a-service (SaaS) applications.
However, it’s already apparent that Copado is well-positioned to advance adoption of a complementary Lean Security Intelligence Platform, said Leigh.
The challenge is that, since Salesforce environments are unique, applications are constructed using a set of objects and tables that are specific to that platform.
It’s now only a matter of time before more organizations reach application development initiative critical mass that warrants investing in a DevOps platform to manage them.