While there is no unitary law for https://www.upguard.com/blog/cybersecurity-important and https://www.upguard.com/blog/how-to-be-gdpr-compliant in Germany, the cyber security landscape is held together by a combination of federal and European laws and regulations. Germany’s newest attempt at refreshing cybersecurity laws and regulations is passing the https://www.bsi.bund.de/EN/Das-BSI/Auftrag/Gesetze-und-Verordungen/IT-SiG/2-0/it_sig_2-0, which aims to enhance https://www.upguard.com/blog/information-security and harmonize other cyber security laws to combat the ever-increasing https://www.upguard.com/blog/cyber-threat-landscape andhttps://www.upguard.com/blog/cybersecurity-important like growinghttps://www.upguard.com/blog/best-practices-to-prevent-ransomware-attacks.

Established in 1991, the Federal Office for Information Security (BSI) (orhttps://www.bsi.bund.de/, in German) is the federal cybersecurity office and federal authority responsible for supervising IT security in the country.

The new act aims to: Harmonize most German cyber security and data protection laws; Enhance the security of IT systems; Improve consumer protection.

The https://www.gesetze-im-internet.de/englisch_bdsg/, or the Federal Data Protection Act, adapts German laws in line with the European Union’s https://gdpr-info.eu/ to oversee data protection regulations.

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