With so much data piling up everywhere, loaded database nodes are becoming a serious challenge for users to search faster and more accurately to find what they are seeking. This is fast becoming an essential capability for enabling databases to provide long-term memory for AI applications using https://thenewstack.io/large-language-models-arent-the-silver-bullet-for-conversational-ai/ and other AI use cases.

DataStax and Google Cloud are releasing CassIO, an open source plugin to https://thenewstack.io/langchain-the-trendiest-web-framework-of-2023-thanks-to-ai/ that enables Google Cloud’s Vertex AI service to combine with Cassandra for caching, vector search, and chat history retrieval.

Google Cloud BigQuery Integration: https://awesome-astra.github.io/docs/pages/tools/integration/apache-beam-google-dataflow/#h-simple-bigquery-export enables Google Cloud users to seamlessly import and export data from Cassandra into BigQuery straight from their Google Cloud Console to create and serve ML features in real time.

Vector search is available today as a non-production use public preview in the serverless Astra DB cloud database.

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