I’ve been quite vocal over the past year as to how much I https://thenewstack.io/portainer-shows-how-to-manage-kubernetes-at-the-edge/ as my https://thenewstack.io/kubernetes-needs-to-take-a-lesson-from-portainer-on-ease-of-use/. But not only is it great for https://thenewstack.io/microk8s-and-portainer-is-the-easiest-way-to-deploy-an-application-on-kubernetes/, it’s also an outstanding platform for learning the ins and outs of working with containers. For example, one thing you can do with relative ease is to deploy a container with a persistent volume.

With persistent storage, you map a drive on your local machine (or use a https://www.samba.org/ share from another machine) to a directory within the container.

Instead of accessing the NGINX index.html file from within the container, go to the machine hosting the persistent storage and navigate into the directory you mapped.

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