Microservices can be a powerful design pattern that allow large teams of developers to deliver code to production without requiring code to be coordinated in a single codebase and released on a common schedule. Deploying these microservices can be a challenge though, as the cost of orchestrating Kubernetes resources and promoting between environments is paid by each individual microservice.
Pairing deployments and services like this is a common practice in Kubernetes deployments, and this pattern is captured by the Deploy Kubernetes containers step in Octopus.
This ensures that each resource is immutable and tightly coupled to the deployment resource it's paired with.
Here is an example of our meta-project used to deploy all microservices to a given environment: In this demo, we took advantage of a number of Octopus features to deploy a microservice application stack: This meant that once the initial templates were defined, we could define new microservice deployments quickly and reliably and populate whole environments with the deployment of a single meta-project.