Local deployment is a great way to improve your development speed, lower your cloud costs, and develop for the cloud when access is restricted due to regulations. With the https://hub.docker.com/extensions/localstack/localstack-docker-desktop, you get a fully functional local cloud stack integrated directly into Docker Desktop, so it’s easy to develop and test cloud-native applications in one place.

How LocalStack works https://localstack.cloud/ is a cloud service emulator that provides a fully functional local cloud stack for developing and testing AWS cloud and serverless applications.

Currently, the LocalStack extension for Docker Desktop supports the following features: Control LocalStack: Start, stop, and restart LocalStack from Docker Desktop.

Alternatively, you can install the LocalStack Extension for Docker Desktop by pulling our https://hub.docker.com/r/localstack/localstack-docker-desktop from Docker Hub: docker extension install localstack/localstack-docker-desktop:0.3.1

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