Home » DevOps Chats » DevOps Chats: Easing WFH with strongDM By Alan Shimel on June 19, 2020Leave a Comment strongDM wasn’t founded to help with remote workers forced out of the office by COVID-19.
So, what our product does is, it takes all that, the sort of emotions around that event [Laughter] and tries to give you an answer for how you make that convenient and how you make that safe for everyone.
And so, that’s another strength of our architecture and our approach is that our product, from day zero, was designed with that in mind, so you can run our proxies in Azure and in AWS and in your existing legacy data center.
Additionally, because so many of our customers rely heavily on automation for their DevOps, another way to think of it is, if you already have, if you already have a great Terraform setup that you’re happy with, you have a great cloud formation setup that you’re happy with, we are gonna integrate natively with that setup as well.