There was a time in the not too distant past when IT Leaders said, “Oh Yes, we have the toolset for that” in response to questions around automated testing or even performance and security testing. All was well, the point being it was okay to be that way because the customers did not have as many choices in applications and perhaps the expectations and demand were not as high.
To me, this thought process is fundamentally wrong for 2 reasons; To get to Continuous Delivery, some of the more essential changes to be made are around people — Collaboration, skillset, perfect hand-offs; Ecosystem — Top Down drive for Continuous Delivery, Adoption of technology, Elastic Environments, Stronger Pre-Prod and automation. But the most important piece of puzzle for an enterprise aspiring for Continuous Delivery is a tweak to the Process — An Agile and Lean process that empowers teams and enables them to collaborate with mesmerizing harmony like an Orchestra is the key to succeed.
To Summarize, what an Enterprise really needs if they aspire to get to Continuous Delivery is much beyond a Toolset.