DevOps’ sister site Digital Anarchist has launched a bi-weekly video series and companion monthly roundtable on DevOps, Automation, CI/CD and testing. Featuring leaders in all of these areas, we explore the challenges and issues software delivery and IT teams face every day.
And those were actually the days when I’ve encountered the group of testers from the context driven school of testing, including James and then we kind of kept in touch ever since, even with me gravitating away from the testing more into the developer world and now doing like the full loop of coming back to testing and I have to tell you, I felt, when the opportunity came, I felt that the world of testing, at least from the perspective of how the discipline itself has advanced would be way further developed in the last decade than I found after kind of leaving it for a while.
And that, in the nineties, the urge to unbind ourselves from that waterfall world and that heavy documentation world created agile, but it also created the context driven school of software testing, which is a humanist approach to software testing.
And you know, the piece that James was alluding to, this is actually the new initiative, that we are driving inside Tricentis, you know, about mentioning this whole new platform of the test tools for the future where we are building something akin to the IDE, we’re actually not calling it IDE, we’re talking ITE, integrated testing environment where actually it’s the human being, the human tester who is in the very, very center of the ITE, and all these other snippets and utilities and services and everything around the human tester, around the human that manages to support the individual in the way, wherever his line of thought, line of exploration, line of test execution may lead to.