don’t know about you, but software engineering interested me for its ability to automate stuff and let me be lazy. And that’s why GitHub Actions is the perfect tool to handle it — since you’ve got code, documentation, issues, pull requests, code reviews, releases and even packages, all at one place! Hopefully, now that I’ve convinced you to at least give it a try and read docs with a cup of coffee ‘sides you, I ought to clear out one misconception —GitHub Actions are still pieces of code, and with every code ever written, it also comes with its own set of development practices to keep in mind.
Of course, to tackle that, you’d probably put that script in its own repo/gist and curl it wherever needed.
Exploring more actions, I liked the idea of “check in” the built code in its own release branch and then tag it, as used in setup-kind action (and documented in official Action template).