Entrepreneurship for Engineers is a https://thenewstack.io/entrepreneurship-for-engineers-how-to-talk-to-customers/ by longtime New Stack contributor https://thenewstack.io/author/emily-omier/ that explores the concerns of developers who want to build tools for other developers — and build a business around their innovations. After talking to experienced investors and entrepreneurs, it’s clear the answer is a resounding “probably not.” “A lot of amazing companies are started during economic downturns,” saidhttps://www.linkedin.com/in/tylerjewell/, managing director at Dell Technologies Capital.
The most important thing for companies of all sizes, but especially startups, in an economic downturn is survival.
Even in the best of times, https://thenewstack.io/entrepreneurship-for-engineers-adopting-the-founder-mindset/, and that is even more so during tough economic times.