Entrepreneurship for Engineers is a https://thenewstack.io/entrepreneurship-for-engineers-recessions-and-startups/ by longtime New Stack contributor https://thenewstack.io/author/emily-omier/ that explores the concerns of developers who want to build tools for other developers — and build a business around their innovations. But not all aspiring entrepreneurs have an obvious set of co-founders ready to https://thenewstack.io/entrepreneurship-for-engineers-should-open-source-project-be-a-full-time-job/ and join the startup grind.
On the other hand, solo founders can sometimes move faster, because there’s no need to build consensus, especially in the early days.
Even with all the downsides solo founders face, Dokania and Raman had exactly the same message for solo founders: Do it anyway. Lacking a co-founder shouldn’t keep anyone from starting a company, and both invest in solo founder and co-founded companies.