With this Tutorial we will get to know about following things – Docker installation in AWS Linux machine Running Docker Container Docker Volume Host Website using Docker Container Running multiple container using Docker Compose Scaling application using Docker Swarm Following are the steps to solve this problem: o Install Docker o Pull an Apache docker image in the system o Run an Apache container o Bind a local directory with the docker container o Deploy the custom-built website
Following is the content of the .sh filesudo apt-get update o Give executable permission to the script by following command$ sudo chmod +x /path/to_sh o Now execute the script by the following command and it will install docker in the system$ ./file.sh o Once the installation is successful, run the following command to check the status of docker and if get active(running), it means docker installation is successful and docker is running in the system$ sudo systemctl status dockerPull Apache Docker image: Once docker is installed, next step is to pull Apache Docker image.
Our goal is to deploy a custom-built website in the container and if we change the source code of the website from host machine and it will change the content in the container.
Following is the command to create overlay docker network.$ docker network create — driver overlay overlay_network o Now to verify whether docker network is successfully created you can run the following command which will list all the available networks and in the list you can see the network created (here I gave the name as overlay_network) by you along with some default networks.