Cloud Native Computing Foundation sponsored this post in anticipation of KubeCon+CloudNativeCon North America 2021 on Oct. 11-15. The concept of a cluster appears nowhere in the core Kubernetes API; the cluster boundary is the edge of the known universe as far as the control plane or any of the API objects are concerned.
A Kubernetes-native extension to the Service API is available, giving you a way to stitch your multiple clusters together in a familiar way.
The design is purposefully very simple, introducing only the minimal set of new API resources needed to bridge the gap between existing core Kubernetes networking primitives: the “Service” itself in the producing cluster and “EndpointSlices” in the consuming cluster.
If you want to see it before you try it, tune in to KubeCon NA 2021, where you can see demos of the Multi-Cluster Service API in action in Here Be Services: Beyond the Cluster Boundary with the MCS API, and hear more about what SIG-Multicluster is doing in their maintainer track update SIG-Multicluster: Intro & Deep Dive.