One of the biggest challenges software development teams face in 2020 is the need to deliver code to production faster. Also, to confidently deploy to production without service interruption, we must have successful tests pass in each layer of the testing pyramid.
Unlike the continuous integration piece of the pipeline, we introduce many new points of failure here, including: One of the great things about Octopus Deploy is that it has a built-in artifact repository, so we don’t have to introduce another potential point of failure by storing our artifacts in a third-party location or tool.
We should clearly define the difference between our continuous delivery automation and our integration/end-to-end testing stages to make it clear where in our pipeline something might have failed.
In that case, if we had a bad binary (due to corruption or bad code logic, etc)., we could save a lot of time in our pipeline by failing early and getting that feedback back to the developer quickly.