Everyone in the community was surprised by https://thenewstack.io/just-out-of-the-box-chatgpt-causing-waves-of-talk-concern/, which a web service responded to any and all user questions https://fortune.com/longform/chatgpt-openai-sam-altman-microsoft/?utm_source=thenewstack&utm_medium=website&utm_content=inline-mention&utm_campaign=platform. It is still a demo though it is pretty clear that this type of generative AI will be rapidly commercialized.

https://thenewstack.simplecast.com/episodes/generative-ai-dont-fire-your-copywriters-just-yet So what are smaller businesses to do to ensure their messages are heard to these machine learning giants?

The company’s service is dedicated to a single mission: making sure its customers’ content adheres to the guidelines set in place.

“But at the end of the day, our belief is there needs to be a great writer in the driver’s seat.

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