GitOps in short is a set of practices to use Git pull requests to manage infrastructure and application configurations. In this paradigm, git repositories are the source of truth.There are a lot of tools to implements a strategy GitOps strategy in an Openshift environment.
In this article, I want to show how OpenShift Applier is a great allied in a GitOps strategy fo OpenShift.The OpenShift-Applier is an Ansible role, that uses your local OpenShift command-line tools (oc) to process and apply templates into OpenShift.
In my example, there are two templates: fis-test.yml that is a fuse application demo and projectrequest-template.yml that is a template for creating a new project on OpenShift. The magic is here; The Openshift Applier will use the content of these templates to process and apply resources on Openshift.