Have you ever been in a situation where you have a https://thenewstack.io/docker-basics-how-to-use-dockerfiles/ or https://thenewstack.io/deploy-a-pod-on-centos-with-podman/ running exactly how you need and wished you had the ability to save a snapshot of it, so you can ensure you’ve got a running state saved in case something goes awry with the container? Consider this feature as a handy way to back up a running container state, so you can use it any time you need.

For example, to list all of the checkpoints you’ve created from checkpoint-test, issue the command: docker checkpoint ls checkpoint-test

However, if you deploy the podman container with root, like so: sudo podman run --name checkpoint-test -p 8006:80 -d nginx You can then checkpoint the container like so: sudo podman container checkpoint checkpoint-test

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