Spectral is an open-source API linting tool that allows users to write rules which then can be used to check API descriptions. If you’re interested in an overview and an introduction, check out this interview with Spectral maintainer Phil Sturgeon where he walks us through the history of Spectral, what it does, and how it can be used.
This means you can start making Spectral part of your API platform and your API governance with very little effort and can level up the way you’re using it over time.
This can help with automating API guidelines to some extent and depending on how much effort you put into it, you can check for rather basic things such as that every resource should have a description associated with it, or you can get more sophisticated to cover more of your API guidelines.
These are the seven steps how you can take Spectral from a simple out-of-the-box tool to one that can help with API governance and API guidelines.