by Monitoring is an essential aspect of any infrastructure, and we should make sure that our monitoring set-up is highly-available and highly-scalable in order to match the needs of an ever growing infrastructure, especially in the case of Kubernetes.Therefore, today we will deploy a clustered Prometheus set-up which is not only resilient to node failures, but also ensures appropriate data archiving for future references.
This configuration file template will be read by the Thanos sidecar component and it will generate the actual configuration file, which will in turn be consumed by the Prometheus container running in the same pod.
Now if you fire-up on interactive shell in the same namespace as our workloads, and try to see to which all pods does our thanos-store-gateway resolves, you will see something like this: The IP’s returned above correspond to our Prometheus pods, thanos-store and thanos-ruler.
Make sure you replace with a domain name which is accessible to you and you can point the Ingress-Controller’s service to.