If you want to know why the coming exascale computing era will be so important, look no further than the past two years and the COVID-19 pandemic, according to https://www.linkedin.com/in/justinhotard/, senior vice president and general manager for https://thenewstack.io/nvidia-gpus-nudge-hpe-supercomputer-into-the-exascale/ HPC and AI Business Group. The high-performance computing (HPC) industry for a decade has been planning for the arrival of exascale systems, supercomputers that can process at least one exaflop, or a quintillion (a billion billion) calculations per second (1018). After years of planning, innovations and missed deadlines, the world is ready to fully embrace exascale computing.
Combining https://thenewstack.io/what-is-real-artificial-intelligence/ (AI) with exascale computing ramps up the supercomputers’ capabilities to crunch the massive amounts of data that is being generated.
There had been a number of developments over the past decade to get the industry to the doorstep of exascale computing.