Headless content management systems have turned the traditionally staid CMS market on its head over the past few years. In a headless CMS, the frontend (aka the head; meaning presentation and publishing) is decoupled from the backend (the content) and managed outside of the core system.

Even Automattic, the company spun out of the open source WordPress product, has a headless CMS offering β€” despite the https://thenewstack.io/wordpress-co-founder-matt-mullenweg-is-not-a-fan-of-jamstack/ of its founder, Matt Mullenweg, to embrace the trend.

Alongside the headless kit, Acquia also released a Next.js Starter Kit, β€œto help accelerate the build of frontend applications that display content created in the headless CMS.”

It has always positioned itself as a more powerful CMS than WordPress, meaning that it targets developers as well as content creators.

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