Honeycomb is sponsoring The New Stack’s coverage of Kubecon+CloudNativeCon North America 2020. For multiplayer games such as “World of Warcraft,” it can take between four and five years, not including the constant patching that takes place after the game ships according to Dominic Green, head of platform at computer game builder Netspeak Games, who spoke about his experience of setting up a game development platform using Kubernetes at this year’s KubeCon+CloudNativeCon.
Nonetheless, the right infrastructure can help speed up the creative part of game development as well, and Green’s goal in building the Netspeak Games platform was to eliminate as much friction as possible for the game team.
Even as a single engineer, Green was able to build a platform that would serve thousands of concurrent users and handle thousands of requests per second in a way could scale elastically, could run in multiple locations to reduce latency for users around the globe and that would still be easy for the game team to use.
First of all, containerizing the Unreal Engine was hard — the version Netspeak was using was rebuilt in 2005 and is not even close to being compatible with cloud native.