For instance, if I told you "all cookies are made out of chocolate", that would be a piece of information.
If I sent that information to you over an electronic connection, then meta information about the information would typically include things such as ...
In the following video I illustrate how Magic works, and how its single most important axiom is meta information, and how that actually allows me to create fully fledged web apps, with thousands of lines of code, 100% automatically - By tapping into the concept of meta information.
And just a single step down the path towards meta information has value, simply because your software becomes more agile and generic in nature as you apply some few simple steps of meta information retrieval, allowing you to solve more than one task at the time.
In fact, I would like to come with a prediction, which is as follows; "Unless you tap into meta information, you won't even have a job 5 years down the road, because some stupid $5 pocket calculator will be easily able to replace your job."