Microfrontends are not new necessarily new — the term was coined in 2016 — but the approach is gaining traction, with companies like https://thenewstack.io/ikeas-concept-kitchen-of-2025-it-cooks-interacts-and-composts/, https://thenewstack.io/intel-poaches-open-source-execs-from-netflix-apple-to-boost-linux-efforts/, and https://thenewstack.io/spotify-reboots-ospo-earmarks-109000-for-open-source-projects/ adopting it. “These days, a lot of companies are already using microfrontends,” said https://github.com/FlorianRappl, a solution architect with the Munich-based development firm, https://smapiot.com/ and author of https://dev.to/florianrappl/writing-the-art-of-micro-frontends-31ce.
Microfrontends takes a modular approach to frontend development, which thus far has stuck primarily with a monolithic approach to development, he explained. “Quite often, you end up with a single frontend solution,” Rappl said.
Instead of one big team of 24 developers, the cross-functional teams could be three teams of 8 developers, he pointed out.